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Country: India

Release date: 30 December 2022

Director: Kushal Gowda

Produced by: Mr. Srihari

Music by: Arjun Janya

Language: Kannada

Production Company: Niharika Movies


Directed by Kushal Gowda, Once Upon A Time In Jamaligudda is set in the 1990s, a protagonist lands in jail because of some scandal. Inside the prison He meets a man who was a dreaded criminal. Both seem to have a trick to escape from prison, and they escape as soon as they get a chance. What was the reason for the escape from prison? Why was the protagonist in prison? What was his motive? Will he succeed in his mission.


More than two decades ago, little girl Chukki's merry road trip with her uncle Hiroshima is brought to a sudden halt when she learns that he is actually a convict on the run. Despite the circumstances, Chukki believes that those couple of days with Hiroshima were the best moments of her life, ones that have had a lasting impression on her. Cut to the present, the adult Chukki is walking down the same memory lane but in the same vein, she is pursuing Rukmini, Hiroshima's forlorn lover who lives in the quaint town of Jamaligudda. Does Chukki's search give her the answers she seeks?